Dear Readers,
In order to bring this site on line at the earliest date, I am making it available with limited initial content. The blog will be activated at the earliest possible date. In the meantime, you may use the Contact page to request materials or information.
The Textual Times applies concepts from the Insights and Motifs page to commentary on current events or other matters of broad societal interest.
The Textual Times accepts comments with the goal of stimulating fact-based discussion of issues. Comments will refereed solely for the purpose of ensuring a respectful tone and reason-based discourse.
Links or cross-references are provided to any relevant papers or presentations.
Posts Coming Soon:
- Several recent clichés from American journalism: catchy copy or creeping bias?
- Whatever happened to “yes”–more journalistic influence on the language of public discourse?
- A homegrown American contribution to the big lie technique? Tu quoque in the service of bullying.
- Pelosi’s Bible quote: maybe it really is from the Bible after all.