Andrew R. Corin Short Biography

Andrew Corin is Professor Emeritus, Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center.  He retired from DLIFLC at the end of July 2017 as Professor and Associate Provost (Provost’s principal advisor on instructional and learning practices) and Director of DLIFLC’s Office of Standardization and Academic Excellence, of which he was a co-founder in July 2015.  Prior to joining the DLIFLC faculty, he was Research Officer with the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (1999-2007), Adjunct Associate (initially Assistant) Professor in the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures of the University of California, Los Angeles (1993-2001), and Assistant Professor at Pomona College (1986-1994).  He has also held visiting appointments at the University of Southern California and as Public Policy Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

Video presentation for the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center Advanced Language Academy, April 2016.

(continued from the Home Page)

Dr. Corin was trained as a specialist in Slavic and general linguistics, textual analysis, and cultural history.  His educational background includes a bachelor’s degree in Slavic and general linguistics from the Faculty of Philology of the University of Belgrade, and M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Slavic linguistics from the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of California, Los Angeles (Ph.D. 1986).  Dr. Corin taught Russian and general linguistics as an Assistant Professor at Pomona College.  He first came to the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center in June-August 1993 to organize and lead a three month Czech to Serbian-Croatian conversion-immersion course, the objective of which was to bring 40 novice students to a level of proficiency sufficient for them to fill military linguist positions and carry out mission critical tasks in support of the rapidly increasing United States peace efforts in the former Yugoslavia.  Following that brief assignment, he served as an Adjunct Assistant and later Adjunct Associate Professor in UCLA’s Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, teaching Serbian/Croatian, South Slavic Linguistics, Advanced Old Church Slavonic and the Cultural Roots of the Balkan Conflict.  From 1999-2007 he served as Research Officer in the Office of the Prosecutor of the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia.  In that capacity, he investigated the political and security structures of the former Yugoslavia and emergent territorial entities, the background and course of the wars of the 1990s, and the roles of individual leadership figures.  In addition, he analyzed expert, documentary, audio/video evidence, and participated in trial preparations.  Within the latter role he authored expert reports and testified as an expert before the Tribunal.  In January 2008, following a three month stay as Public Policy Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, D.C., Dr. Corin returned to DLIFLC, teaching both Serbian-Croatian and Russian in the School of European and Latin American Studies before joining DLIFLC’s Directorate of Continuing Education, which is responsible for all intermediate, advanced and non-resident instruction, in November 2009.  There he served as Associate Dean and later as Dean of Resident Education, and as Dean of Educational Support Services. Following a year of retirement, Dr. Corin returned to active service as an Associate Provost to help launch DLIFLC’s Office of Standardization and Academic Excellence.  The OSAE was established to serve as an advisory body to the Provost and Command Group, and to work in a consultative role with the leadership and faculty of all DLIFLC directorates and schools to stimulate effective and efficient practices in the areas of instruction, learning, leadership and administration.  Dr. Corin is the author of numerous publications, expert reports, public and professional presentations in his fields of expertise.